One-on-one | Practical Support |At home/by telehealth/in the community
CCSS is for:
- Procrastination
- Learning new skills
- Coping with stress
- Work issues
- School issues
- Learning new skills
- Meeting other folks
- Time management
- Etc.!
It’s in addition to therapy: a helpful day-to-day skill building for the areas that are just really hard.
Available for anyone 18+ with Medicaid/Turquoise Care
If you’re not sure whether CCSS is right for you, please reach out and we’ll be happy to provide guidance

What is a community support worker?
A CSW is a support person available to help with practical issues. You meet with them regularly to work toward a goal that’s been hard to accomplish on your own, or new goals you didn’t know were possible.
For example, you’ve been wanting to sign up for a class, but it’s been hard to find time and motivation after your baby is born. A CSW could meet with you to help you decide what class is next for you, help you figure out a childcare plan, register for class, and work on time management once you’re in the class.
CSW’s work with you alongside your therapist. You can see a therapist anywhere in town and still work with our CSW.
CSWs are able to meet people in their own communities, and help them build the skills needed for recovery and resilience.
Who could use one?
Most folks on Medicaid who have a mental health diagnosis can work with a CSW. Our program has a special focus on prenatal and postpartum moms, but we have general spaces available as well. Please contact us and we can help you know if you qualify!
Where do they help?
CSW’s have flexibility. They can meet by telehealth, in the community, in your home, or in the office. The CSW and you would come up with the plan that works best for your life.
Examples of help we offer:
Independent and Community Living:
- Shopping for foods and planning
- Making food
- Finding safe housing
- Accessing safe housing
- Maintaining my house
- Making a plan to care for my house
- Knowing what can help me in town
- Getting around (car, bus, gas money)
- Using help in town
- Family struggles
- Struggles with friends etc.
- other
- attend school
- follow instructions in class
- participate in parts of class
- attend an online course
- attend a personal improvement class
- finding info on school
- finding info on paying for school
- enrolling in school
- manage my time
- Get along with Supervisors
- Get along with co-workers
- Concentrate on work tasks
- Concentrate on timeframes
- Maintain a schedule
- Dress for work
- Volunteering
- Finding classes/training
- Getting into classes/training
- Apply for jobs
Socializing: Friends, Social Skills
- starting healthy friendships/relationships
- maintaining healthy friendships/relationships
- having good boundaries in relationships
- finding groups or organizations to join
- attending groups
- Accessing Groups, Scheduling time for Recreation and Passions
- Finding what I’m interested in
- Setting goals to participate in groups
- Making plans for fun or play
- Carrying out plans for fun or play
**The 5 Functional Domains are Independent and Community Living, Learning, Working, Socializing, Recreation.
In-depth Information:
CCSS stands for Comprehensive Community Support Services. In CCSS, we offer a client-centered and directed collaborative approach to psychosocial services. The aim is to support the client’s specific recovery goals. CCSS is a community-based program aiming to surround people with not only the support and resources needed to promote recovery and resilience, but also to help them to be able to build, access, and utilize those resources on their own.
CCSS is not therapy or case management. Community Support Workers are there as practical support for people who are working with a therapist. CSWs can help clients to see and claim their own agency in their recovery. A Community Support Worker will not “do for” a client in the same way that a case manager might. Rather they will help the client to do things for themselves with the support and assistance they need by “doing with.”
A therapist can help a client understand what their needs and struggles are, why they are there, and what strategies can be used to help. A CSW can then meet with the client to help them discover their specific goals and support them in implementing those strategies. This could look as simple as helping a client to craft a meal plan that will fit their personal budget and capacity. There are as many goals that a CSW can support as there are clients who could benefit from it.
CCSS (Comprehensive Community Support Services)
- Client-centered and directed collaborative approach to psychosocial services to support recovery goals.
- Community-based program focusing on the client’s unique needs in their mental health journey.
- Community Support Workers work with clients to build skills and meet their specific goals.
- Surrounds clients (individuals or families) with services and resources needed to work toward recovery, rehabilitation, and resilience.
- Not therapy. CSWs do not diagnose or treat any conditions, and CCSS happens in conjunction with therapy.
- Not case management. CSWs help clients to meet goals of autonomy, so rather than doing things on behalf of clients, they help clients build skills and set goals to be able to do for themselves.
- CSWs can meet clients in the community and accompany them as they take steps toward meeting their goals, i.e. attending classes, looking for childcare, etc.
“Therapy is often an adventure we need to take–but we don’t know where to start. It can be tough to feel like any actual change is possible. Helping people start in that place and develop new capacity and understanding of themselves so they can actually feel better—that’s my favorite thing.”
Contact Us
Do you have any questions or comments? Would you like to request an appointment?
**We get a lot of contact submissions. Making quality referrals takes time, please give us approximately one-two weeks to get back to you.
If you need immediate help please reach out NM Crisis at1-855-NM-CRISIS You can also go to their website at for call, chat, or text options and more information.